AB Phillips

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Navigating Your Motor Trade Insurance Needs with AB Phillips


In the fast-paced world of motor trades, from car dealerships to Workshops, the right insurance isn't just an option—it's a necessity. Motor trade insurance safeguards your business from the unexpected, ensuring that accidental mishaps don’t lead to financial disaster. At AB Phillips, we don't just offer coverage; we ensure you are really covered, providing peace of mind and allowing you to focus on growing your business without the constant worry of potential risks.  


Understanding Motor Trade Insurance  

Motor trade insurance is essential for anyone involved in the automotive industry. Whether you are buying, selling, repairing, or even modifying vehicles, this insurance covers a spectrum of activities that are crucial to keeping your operations running smoothly.  


What is Motor Trade Insurance?  

Motor trade insurance provides a shield against a range of risks associated with the motor industry. This coverage includes, but is not limited to, protection from damages during vehicle handling, coverage for customer vehicles under your custody, and legal liability for any accidents that might occur on your premises or because of your business operations.  


Importance of Being "Really Covered"  

Having comprehensive coverage is vital in the motor trade industry. It’s not just about having insurance, but having the right insurance that fully encompasses the breadth of your activities. Being really covered means that in the face of accidents or unexpected damages, your business can continue without interruption. This comprehensive coverage ensures that you can handle setbacks swiftly and efficiently, maintaining your business’s reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.  


Comprehensive Coverage Options with AB Phillips  

Choosing the right insurance policy is critical, and with AB Phillips, you can be confident that the insurance plan you select fits your specific business needs perfectly.  


Motor Traders Insurance Overview  

Traders insurance is specially tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises within the motor trade industry. It covers a range of scenarios that could otherwise severely impact your business, from damage to vehicles in your care to liability claims from third parties. This type of insurance is designed to address the unique challenges faced by smaller operations, providing them with the security they need to thrive.  


Broad Protection with Motor Trade Insurance  

Trade insurance offers broad protection that encompasses various aspects of your business operations. From safeguarding against theft of tools and equipment to covering the costs associated with vehicle damages at your workplace, this insurance ensures that all facets of your business are protected. By covering a wide array of potential liabilities, trade insurance helps stabilise your business operations against the unexpected.  


Advantages of a Motor Trade Policy  

A Motor Trade policy combines various coverage options into one comprehensive package. This package is particularly beneficial for businesses that deal with a high volume of vehicles or those that offer a range of services, from sales to repairs. The advantage of such a policy is that it simplifies managing insurance needs by consolidating multiple types of cover into a single, more manageable policy. This integration ensures that no aspect of your business is left unprotected, and you are "really covered" in every sense of the term.  



The Benefits of Choosing AB Phillips  

Choosing AB Phillips for your motor trade insurance means partnering with a broker that understands the complexities of the automotive industry and prioritises finding the best coverage options for your specific needs.  


Access to Multiple Insurers  

AB Phillips stands out due to its extensive network of insurers. This access allows us to shop around on your behalf, ensuring that we find the most suitable policy for your business. By leveraging our strong relationships with multiple insurers, we guarantee that each client receives a customised insurance solution that offers the best terms and coverage.  


Customised Solutions for Every Business  

At AB Phillips, we believe there's no one-size-fits-all insurance policy. That's why we tailor each policy to meet the unique needs of different businesses within the motor trade industry. Whether you're a small garage or a large dealership, we ensure that your coverage reflects your specific business activities and risks, so you are "really covered."  


Getting the Right Coverage with AB Phillips  

Finding the right motor trade insurance can be complex, but with AB Phillips, the process is streamlined and tailored to your needs.  


Consultation and Customisation  

The first step in our process is a detailed consultation to understand your business operations and the specific risks you face. During this phase, we assess various factors such as the size of your business, the services you offer, and the types of vehicles you handle. This information helps us to customise an insurance solution that truly fits your requirements.  


The Application Process  

Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, the application process begins. Here’s how it works:  


  1. Initial Contact: You reach out to us via our website or phone, and we gather initial information about your business.  

  2. In-depth Review: We conduct an in-depth review of your current insurance coverages and identify any gaps or areas of improvement.  

  3. Quote Generation: Based on our assessment, we provide you with competitive quotes from multiple insurers.  

  4. Policy Customisation: We discuss the options with you and further customize the policy to ensure it meets all your needs.  

  5. Finalisation: After your approval, we finalize the policy, and you are officially "really covered."  



When it comes to protecting your motor trade business, choosing the right insurance broker is as crucial as the coverage itself. AB Phillips is dedicated to ensuring that your business is protected with a policy tailored just for you. 

We are experts in the motor trade industry. We can offer insurance solutions from multiple insurers. This makes us the best choice for your needs. With AB Phillips, you can be confident that you are really covered, allowing you to focus on what you do best—running your business.