We have a head for heights 

Height Safety Insurance & Rope Access - Protect Your Team Now!

Our Height Safety team brings decades of industry experience, providing specialized insurance cover designed to minimize risks for your business. We offer comprehensive coverage across all aspects of Rope Access, Building Maintenance Units, Cranes, Scaffolding, and Elevated Work Platforms.

In addition, we protect designers, certifiers, and installers of height safety equipment with tailored policies. Our exclusive Height Safety Insurance facility stands out by offering unlimited height coverage and unmatched levels of protection, ensuring your peace of mind in high-risk environments.

Partner with us to safeguard your operations with insurance solutions that no other broker can match.


Where other brokers have height limits, we have a facility where the sky’s the limit. No matter what height you & your team are working at, we can give you cover. 


Because of our expertise in height, we are able to negotiate larger levels of cover you won’t find elsewhere. When you need more cover, we’re here to help. 

Ropes Access packages for Developers 

Height Risk Coverage - Tailored to Your Needs

Building developers face numerous risks in the Rope Access sector. Our team has crafted a comprehensive insurance package that addresses all these risks in one seamless solution.


Professional Liability included as standard 

We are the only broker that does this, covering you for third party injury, property damage arising from service and any advice you provide as a paid service. 


 Public Liability with Professional Indemnity 

For a small addition to your premium, we provide cover for third party financial loss caused by your service or paid advice. 


 Tailored solutions for everyone 

We understand that the Height Safety industry is not a one-size-fits-all landscape. It’s why we tailor solutions for sub-contractors and companies, manufacturers and import/ exporters, installers and certifiers, trainers and professional advisors.